Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year Russia!

The year 2017 will mark the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. Revolution, which brought the most murderous, cruel and inhuman system that oppressed half of Europe for over 70 years. Today, most people in Western Europe and America do not realize what a tragedy for us - the citizens of Eastern Europe was communism. The horrors of the Bolshevik activists, described in the literature, fully coincide with the relations of those who survived the revolution. My great-grandmother, who survived two world wars, always said that nobody sowed terror such as the Bolsheviks. Their cruelty, stemming from years of humiliating peasants and workers by the Tsars, took in 1917 the nature of rabid animals released from cages and wanting to avenge his tormentor. The desire for revenge, easy prey, degradation of those who stood up over them and absolute impunity of the boors, led to the murder of hundreds of thousands of people.

The Red Terror was not only a lack of respect for human life, property rights, above all it was the omnipresent fear. Anyone could have been shot, enough was a false accusation, not spared either child. Executions were carried out in the middle of nowhere at the naked victims in order to pass the Red Army clothing. The corpses defiled, snatching for profit gold teeth.

For the residents of Eastern Europe, for generations, a symbol of law, values, justice was the West. Although Soviet propaganda that proclaimed "rotting West", Eastern Europeans believed that in the US and Western Europe, are undeniable, everlasting values, that give a sense of security and allow you to live with dignity.
Paradoxically, in the centenary of the October Revolution, a reality seems to be a perversion of the basic values of the Western world - property rights, democratic rules, physical security and economic development. Unwavering until now the authorities become questionable. There were populist slogans, which would have been even ashamed for a provincial smartass, and now proudly repeats them future United States president. But what must be emphasized, this is not the result of the thought-out strategy of the Kremlin, or the actions of the Russian special services, unfortunately, this is the result of the degeneration of European and American political class, which is focusing on problems of minority groups, forgetting about majority group of bread eaters.
Is it possible that someone, who Anna Politkovska describes as "KGB spy, who even in this role did not make any particular impression" led to profound changes in the European consciousness, as some journalists claim. Certainly not, but without a doubt Vladimir Putin, it is one of the best, and what is very important, tough and consistent player in the contemporary world politics. Significantly, he is also limited in a lot of political and social dependency. He can operate fully autonomously, independently of the current party line, and despite the unfavorable economic situation. For several years, the Western media write about return of superpower politics of Russia and about the influence of the Kremlin on political realities. How is this possible if since several years, the Russian economy is in recession. Based mostly on oil and state, poorly managed companies, the Russian economy barely breathing. The Russian army since the days of the Soviet Union plunged the increasingly crisis. Underpaid, underfed soldiers, steal what they can. Outdated equipment, not only does not work in modern combat conditions, but often is simply a danger to soldiers serving it. "Modern" achievements of military technology, bring a smile on the faces of not only specialists of weapons, but even the Internet. Frequent technical problems of the aircraft carrier "Kuznietsov" have become topics of many jokes. Further planes disasters, show the state of the Russian aviation. Newly developed tank, promoted as a miracle of modern technology, looks like the German construction from ... the Second World War. Promoting "patriotic Russian science", instead of rising Russia in the technological peaks, leads her on a research scrap-heap. In such unfavorable conditions, half the world sees Vladimir Putin as a savior and the other as a serious threat.
Electoral success of pro Kremlin candidates can't be attribute only to Putin. Bulgaria, Moldova, USA, next year probably France, and Germany make choices based on the achievements and failures of their politicians, possibly using experiences of other European countries.Without a doubt, they are taken by Russia's attempts to disrupt the elections, with the help of influential businessmen and journalists who spread false information to the public. It works according to the schema described by Politkovskaya, "Putin comes to things like a typical KGB officer. First released the information trial balloon in a narrow group of people. In today's Russia is a group of the political elite of the capital. This is to canvass the possible reaction on cultivated politics. If such a reaction does not occur, or if it has the dynamics of jellyfish, it's all a game. Putin can push his line, spread ideas and act as it deems appropriate, without needing to look back." Recently this technique has been supplemented by a new form of spreading misinformation through hacking. How big role this method played in the last presidential election in the US, we do not know. Candidate that won is for Putin's definitely more convenient, that does not necessarily mean leading pro-Russian policy. Vladimir Putin is well aware of the fact that Trump is an inexperienced politician who will be making some mistakes. Ridiculing the president of the United States as well as his constant arguing with key allies, is for the Russian policy the perfect opportunity to expand its sphere of influence. If it is also possible to suggest Trump some clever advisers Kremlin - friendly, who persuade him to make concessions to Russia, the better.

No doubt it is Putin's merit is to build key alliances, that put beyond the pale of the other players.Extremely successful was  Putin's maneuver to intimidate President Erdogan and bringing to the Russian-Turkish alliance. The alliance not only strengthens the Russian position on the Middle East but what is important definitely weakens NATO in the region. Could not be underestimated also the alliance with Iran and correct relations with China, which give hope for setting in motion Russian economy. Additionally need to be mentioned the agreement with OPEC on reducing oil production, giving Russia a chance to bounce back from the economic bottom.
The year 2016 can be summarized as a year of gifts for Vladimir Putin. Gifts unearned, not elaborated, but very nice. The Weak European Union, with leaders who do not listen to its citizens, becoming less respected by intimidated by terrorists and political correctness Europeans.  The only EU country, who has not given in the Russian propaganda and for years standing in opposition to the Kremlin, decided to leave the Community. United States conduct inconsistent policy in the Middle East. With Trump as a leader, US policy will be unpredictable, short-sighted and antagonize next allies - Turkey, Japan, Israel, and thus allowing the creation of a new, powerful, based on Russia, bloc in the Middle East and Southeast Asia

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