Monday, November 28, 2016

Dadin, along with Magnitsky, Crimea, Donbass,"Boeing", Savchenko - straws not to be forgotten

Ildar Dadin was sentenced in December 2015, under Article 212.1 (for repeated participation in the opposition protests) to three years in a penal colony. His sentence was later reduced to two and a half years.
Nearly a year later, on November 1, 2016, a letter of Dadin was published, in which he claims that 12 people were beating him in the colony and hung him by his shackled hands behind his back, while the chief of the colony threatened him with rape and death. In the letter he describes:
“Over the course of that day, I was beaten a total four times, by 10-12 people at once...After the third beating, they lowered my head into a toilet right there in the holding cell.”He goes on to describe being cuffed and hung from the ceiling. “Being suspended in this manner brought about terrible pain in the wrists twisted out my elbows, and caused horrible back pain. I was suspended like that for half an hour.“Then they took off my underwear and said they would bring another prisoner to rape me unless I stopped my hunger strike.”The prison boss later allegedly told Dadin that if he complained his beatings could be made worse, and he could be killed and buried “under the fence”.
After his letter was published, unknown people sent messages in social networks to relatives and friends of Ildar Dadin telling that he was found hanged in his cell. After reading this message, Ildar Dadin's mother, who had a weak heart, was taken to hospital with suspected brain attack.

On the 24th of November, European Parament has adopted the resolution to release Mr. Dadin. 
Parliament calls on the Russian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Mr. Dadin and “all those detailed on false or unsubstantiated charges or for using their right to freedom of expression and assembly”.
Parliament also stresses the need for a thorough and transparent independent investigation after Mr. Dadin’s recent allegations of torture inside the prison. Russia is reminded by MEPs of the importance of its “full compliance” with its international legal obligations as per its membership of the Council of Europe and other such organizations.
History of Tsarist Russia, the USSR, and the Russian Federation knows many similar stories about activists, convicted by the government of the excessively high imprisonment, effected in inhuman conditions, often completed with the tragic death of a prisoner.
Several of these stories gained notoriety in the world, about some of the martyrs were created books and even movies. However the majority of dissidents didn't draw either the glory of international publicity or rehabilitation. They often stay in mass graves, together with other rebels against the big Russian Imperium, no matter under which political system they were active. 
Several times in the last month Russian media were calling to release two Russian prisoners, "illegally arrested" by the US and held there adjudged punishment - Victor Bout and Konstantin Yaroshenko. Viktor Bout - Russian "Lord of War" is the international arms dealer, sentenced by US court to 25 years imprisonment. Konstantin Yaroshenko is a Russian pilot, accused and convicted of drug trafficking to 20 years in prison. Russian press reports extensively about the drama of families of the two prisoners, about a sick mother of Yaroshenko and longing wife and children of Viktor Bout. Both the families and dealing with their story journalists, see hope in the new authorities of the White House.
So how the Russian media presents Dadin's case and his accusations against the prison administration. The regime logs provide "objective" information that according to the doctors, who examined Dadin, there is a lack of any signs of torture or ill-treatment, and that Dadin, as say representatives of the prison service has a huge imagination. The only newspaper that is considered in Russia as an independent "Novaya Gazieta" writes about "slipping on a banana peel" and Dadin's case as a second Magnitsky problem. In the article, they are advising the Russian government, to move Dadin to another criminal facility, otherwise once again will be loud about Russia: "Here, for example, will come to power Fillon and want to lift the sanctions against Russia, but as he does, when in his own parliament from all sides: Dadin, Magnitsky," Boeing "" Boeing ", Dadin, Magnitsky?" ...A straw and a straw, and you end up with a stack."
Regardless of the political system, in Russia, the single human being does not mean much. Sooner or later Mr. Dadin will join his better-known colleagues, Anna Politkovskaya, Boris Nemtsov, Siergiej Magnitsky,  Aleksiej Devotchenko, Natalia Estemirova, Aleksander Litvinenko. People responsible for those murders has never been arrested, judged and sentenced. That is how the tides of Russian history runs. 

Drawing by Danzig Baldaev

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