Thursday, November 17, 2016

Russia's Supreme Court overturned the verdict against the opposition leader Alexey Navalny

Russia's Supreme Court yesterday overturned the verdict  against Alexey Navalny, sentenced in 2013 for 5 years in the gulag and a fine of 500 thousand. rubles (7.5 thousand. USD) per embezzled 30 million rubles (460 thousand. USD) from the state-owned company Kirowles. The Supreme Court took up the case after the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that Russia violated Navalny's right to a fair trial, and ordered  to pay to Navalny 56 thousand euro legal costs and damage incurred. ECHR called the Russian court's verdict as  "arbitrary" and with "political character."
Alexey Navalny is a lawyer, blogger and one of the leaders of the Russian opposition. He is not fully satisfied with the verdict of the Supreme Court. He says that although it allows him now to participate in the elections in 2018, but significantly separates him from active political life because of the need to involve in the resumed process in distant  Kirov city. Navalny also draws attention to the fact that it is not clear what will be the result of the renewed process, so it is also possible that just before the elections, he will be sentenced again, to prevent him from succeeding in the elections.
Alexey  Navalny also referred on his blog, to the top story of the arrest of the Minister Uljukaew. Navalny claims that the arrest of Uljukaew is the result of the "Kremlin bulldogs' war". He says that it's a common knowledge, that the Minister is involved in corruption, but not because of that he was arrested. Navalny recalls the materials, which he has presented on his blog some time ago, describing the illegal income of the former Minister, deposited in the secret accounts of Cypriot company.

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