Thursday, November 24, 2016

MEPs sound alarm on anti-EU propagand - why it is great, why it is now.

"The European Union is under increasing pressure propaganda practiced by the Russian government and the Islamist terrorist groups. Their goal is misinformation, engender a sense of danger and uncertainty and causing divisions in the EU." Members of the European Parliament have concluded these warnings in a resolution adopted on Wednesday, 23rd of November.
They advise strengthening of the EU office for strategic communications and dissemination of knowledge about the sensible use of Internet media. The author of the draft resolution is a Member of the European Parliament, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Poland - Mrs. Anna Fotyga. The adoption of this resolution caused, for obvious reasons, violent protests and accusations from the Kremlin saying that the resolution is a false representation of the Russian media. Representatives of the Russian authorities expressed their opposition for listing in the Russian media on par with Daesh propaganda and stressed the negative role of the straightening anti-Russian propaganda of the West.
It is extremely important but quite unexpected that European Parlament adopted this resolution. The text contains generally known facts, although the acceptance by the European Parliament a document that clearly shows the Russian propaganda and its sources, is surprising. It seemed that the illegal annexation of the Crimea and the occupation of eastern Ukraine are not big issues for EP anymore.
Therefore it can be assumed that the reason for the change in  Brussels' attitude could be the results of the presidential elections in the US. It is not clear yet, which of changes in foreign policy announced in the election campaign, will be realized by the administration of the new President Donald Trump. However, much more can be read from the signals that are coming from Moscow. Optimistic words flowing from the Kremlin about the" new opening" in relations with America combined with decisive moves in Moscow's Asian policy, must be a warning to European politicians.
Brussels noticed the danger of weakening the alliance with the United States and that is why it is uniting and representing the European Union as a strong, speaking with one voice block, defining a real threat of political propaganda. This is a clear signal for Moscow and the United States. The resolution, not without a reason, stresses that the objective of the Russian propaganda is an internal breakdown of the European Union as well as antagonize EU and USA.
It should emphasize the importance of the resolution in the context of the huge success of Polish diplomacy, as well as strengthen the role of the Baltic countries, skeptical of the Kremlin's policy. The adoption of this resolution shows, that pro -Russia block in EU, gathering countries like Greece, Hungary, and Italy, is not that strong, as Russian media would like to show it.
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania fathers of EUThere is one more crucial element in this document, not explicitly stated in the text. In my opinion, the adoption of this document is the return to the most fundamental values of the European Union - to the respect of human rights, democracy, and freedom. Free, fair, objective media is one of the pillars of a free society. The resolution is a reminder to Europeans that access to objective information is a great value as well as the admonition to respect the eligibility to access to the objective media for the nations, which in the  21st century are deprived of this right.

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