Thursday, November 17, 2016

Russian propaganda as the winning strategy at the information war.

NATO should know its dealing with the Russian propaganda, policy makers should understand how it works, and build own narrative said Janis Sarts – Chief of NATO Expert Centre for Strategic Communications. In his opinion, the Russian propaganda it is coordinated, comprehensive use of the available tools - traditional media, social media, NGOs, political parties - to influence the audience and achieve the desired effect. Sometimes we pay attention only to one of the spectrum, for example traditional media, but we need to see it as related activities. The second technique, which is observed, is called the information fog. It was demonstrated on the flight MH17 crash (plane of Malaysian airlines shot down over eastern Ukraine, apparently by pro-Russian separatists). Instead of one of the Russian version, we had approx. 20 different. Some of them were contradictory, some hilarious, like this, that the plane was full of dead bodies before downing. The point is not to believe in any of these versions, but confusion. In this situation, the real story is one of over 20 different version of events, and people lose their orientation. Not always because the idea is that people believe what they are told, but here is not to believe in anything, claims Janis Sarts. In this case, the public has lost orientation and stops, as in real mist. 
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Russian propaganda poster

Reports from Eastern Ukraine are full of  dramatic scenes and provide clear view that Ukrainian army is the aggressor. The shooter separatists are shown as a heroes and defenders of the civilian population. Another front in information war is Syria. Russia is accused of the death of many defenseless people, attacks on civilian targets, and finally cooperation with the bloody dictator. Russian media claims that situation is absolutely opposite. 
Russian television as the perpetrator of all evil shows the USA. They are responsible for the unfair sanctions against Russia, to which obediently joined passive European Union leaders. In opposition to the weak politicians from EU, tv channels show determined, masculine, strong and brave President Putin. Sometimes you get the impression that this, how Putin's picture is build is significantly beyond the creation of the image of a strong politician. Photos of Putin's bare-chested astride a horse, is almost erotic in nature. This is not just a politician, it's a wild fighter, admired by men and desired by women.
Interior propaganda concentrates on traditional media. For majority of Russians television is still the main source of information. There is no fully independent from Kremlin TV channel. Message to the Russian public is simple:   nationalists and radicals are in power in Ukraine, bully the Russians living there and that is why the leaders of Russia are obliged to stand in their defense.
Outside Russia there are more often used social media trolls, some non-governmental organizations, which are in fact supported by Russian. There is also very popular tv channel „RT” (Russia Today) which broadcasts in several languages and has a considerable budget (for 2015 it was approx 270 million euros). RT is very popular, because it is serving information in English (or other foreign language) in modern, impressive studio and can not be associated with wet behind the ears propaganda.  
For sure crucial in this information battle are the new media and Europe must to learn how to use them. Thanks to the internet and social media, you can get the message to everyone. Not only Russia is effectively using Internet to get adherents, there is also Daesh active in this field. Western leaders seem to be aware of the challenges, they already settled special expert offices, held the meetings on information and communication The problem is,  how in democratic system force media to write and talk in the certain way. It wouldn't be true to say that there is absolutely no propaganda in European media. It is enough to remind the situation from Germany, where for several days media didn't inform people about the attacks on women in Cologne.  Probably, because they didn't want to break down the logic they are holding. Is it close to "Russian media patriotism"? In my opinion, not that far. 

  Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Russian propaganda poster

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