Friday, November 18, 2016

Who is Who at the international war with evil - part 2.

According to my yesterdays post about information war, please have a look at the nice, hot, today's example:
Maria Zakharova, Director of Information Department of Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry, in my opinion one of the masters in shaping and creation of the information as needed, writes on her official Facebook Account:
Today we made another practical step in the fight against nationalism and xenophobia. Not contrived, and these forms of intolerance. Third Committee of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly on the initiative of Russia and a further 55 collaborators from around the world approved the traditional resolution "Fighting the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other forms of practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. " This year, 131 delegation spoke "for", 3 "against" (the United States, Ukraine and Palau) and 48 abstained. For the first time Russia has put forward the initiative for more than 10 years ago. During this time, it increased the number of countries supporting the document by reducing the number of abstentions. This is a great trend.
I'm more than confident that this news on the air of a number of media will not find a decent place, and many of them won't again ask why the United States, Ukraine and Palau opposed, and the country, referred to as the Western and mainly representing the EU abstain.
Thank you for the excellent news Grigory Lukiyantsev and, of course, the fantastic dedication 
Photo shows the results of the vote - The world should know its heroes.
What is this all about? 
The resolution entitled “Combating glorification of Nazism, Neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance,” was approved by the UN’s human rights committee on Friday with 131 in favor, 3 against (USA,Ukraine and Palau) with 48 abstentions (also most of the EU members).  
Deputy U.S. Representative to the Economic and Social Council Stefanie Amadeo explains: “We condemn without reservation all forms of religious and ethnic intolerance or hatred at home and around the world,”“However, due to this resolution’s overly narrow scope and politicized nature, and because it calls for unacceptable limits on the fundamental freedom of expression, the United States cannot support it,” She said the U.S. also disagrees with the resolution’s willing to curb freedom of expression even while sharing its concerns about the rise of hate speech around the world. Mrs Amado also said, that US concerns Russia was using it to carry out political attacks against its neighbors. 
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Russian propaganda poster

In this point I need to remind, that the first step to annexation of the Crimea was the exclusion of all Ukrainian sources of information on the peninsula, and After that the Russian media started bombing residents information about Ukrainian nationalists who are going to kill Russians in the Crimea.

Vyacheslav Likhachev of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,  indicates how Russian propaganda machine has used the issue of Antisemitism. - "They knew perfectly well that it was best to stick Ukrainians patch of Antisemitism, because that's the easiest way to move public opinion in the West. That's why we heard about the Jews allegedly threatened by the fascists, and Bandera troops". 

The alleged fascism and nationalism of the Ukrainians, it is also a great slogan to discourage the "Ukrainian case" among their greatest allies in the European Union- Poles. 

What is also crucial in this battle? Timing, I think. 

 On November 16, 2016, Vladimir Putin issued a decree withdrawing with immediate effect the signature of the Russian Federation under the treaty, called the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court - the treaty which at the is the most comprehensive in the world penal code of the crime of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Russia reassures that the withdrawal of its signature does not matter, because the Rome Statute was only signed but never ratified, so it does not become effective for her. However it is not a true,  because according to the universal principle of international law, recognized in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties - Article 18 - State which has signed the treaty, but failed to fulfill ratification, must refrain from acts which would defeat the object and purpose of the treaty. Withdrawal signature exempt from this obligation. 
Honestly it should be recalled that the United States withdrew its signature from the Rome Statue, too.
However, in the context of current aggressive actions of Russia in the Crimea and in Eastern Ukraine it is an important signal. This case shows how using a simple post on Facebook, it is possible to drown out this signal. 

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